Sunday, December 12, 2010

Know what you eat

always know your food source, read all ingredients before you buy it or eat it. If you are not sure then choose to not eat it and wait until you can find something real and healthy so you will feel better.
when we eat chemicalized foods and drinks we get headaches, backaches, tired/sleepy, digestions issues and so much more.
it's simple to feel better then eat better :)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Oven Roasted Root Vegetables

great recipe for warming up in January:

Oven Roasted Root Vegetables

3 cups parsnips
3 cups sweet potatoes
3 cups rutabaga
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp fresh cracked pepper
1 tsp ms. dash

Cup root vegetables into small bite size cubes and spray with olive oil and dust with spices. Cook in oven for 35-45 minutes at 350 degrees.
Let cool 2-3 minutes and serve
enjoy :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Annual health exams

A part of a healthy lifestyle is making sure to schedule an annual health exam with your family doctor. It is also just as important to also see your dentist for dental cleanings twice a year as well. Try to schedule your annual health exam on a date you can remember every year. Like you favorite holiday or your birth date.
Keep a journal. Try to make a minimum of weekly entries if you can't commit to daily. Before your medical exams review your history of notes. Be prepared and asked questions and voice any concerns.
Do some of your own research on your search engines (like google or bing). There are websites out there to answer questions until you can get to your family doctor. You may want to try websites like or or search one of your preference.You know your body best. Help your doctor understand you better.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What's Self provings mean?

When natural medicines were first being written about and studied many of these pioneers did studies on themselves and journal ed the information. Since 2005 I have been conducting these self studies on myself and my willing family members.
I can say this for sure as I have seen it through my eyes. The months I choose to eat all healthy (local, natural, organic) I am well and full of energy. When I choose to eat fast food and dine out more often at restaurants such at Chili's, Applebee's and pizza joints. I feel tired all the time, have more headaches, seem more irritable, have more problems sleeping at night, problems waking up in the mornings, more back aches and knee pains than when I choose to eat fresh food.
Local, natural and organic foods are real and not full of chemical additives and preservatives. Why do we need red #40 in anything? It's carcinogenic! Who cares what color it is, we just want to eat it.
Study yourself for 30 days. Write down everything you eat and drink and then write how you feel about an hour later, after eating it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Everyone needs more "ME TIME". Don't be afraid to find time in your busy life to really enjoy your life. If you don't take time for you to be you, how will you ever enjoy your very short time here on this earth!
Begin today, find at least 10 minutes to be ALONE doing whatever your heart desires. Meditate, a few yoga stretches, a walk or what ever comes to your mind.
Enjoy your time. It is important to take care of yourself, so you can be there when someone does need you.
Happy Day to all :)

Monday, January 11, 2010


STOP eating it, STOP feeding it to your children! Not even in moderation. Read the facts before you choose to eat something that you can not pick from a tree or plant. You can not dig it up or go fish for it. So WHY ingest it into your body?
IT IS PROCESSED! Since it's creation in the 1970's America has increased in obesity and diabetes even in children. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH ALL THAT YOU LOVE!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Make a difference

Make a difference today. Be the change you wish to see in the world - Gandhi