Sunday, December 12, 2010

Know what you eat

always know your food source, read all ingredients before you buy it or eat it. If you are not sure then choose to not eat it and wait until you can find something real and healthy so you will feel better.
when we eat chemicalized foods and drinks we get headaches, backaches, tired/sleepy, digestions issues and so much more.
it's simple to feel better then eat better :)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Oven Roasted Root Vegetables

great recipe for warming up in January:

Oven Roasted Root Vegetables

3 cups parsnips
3 cups sweet potatoes
3 cups rutabaga
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp fresh cracked pepper
1 tsp ms. dash

Cup root vegetables into small bite size cubes and spray with olive oil and dust with spices. Cook in oven for 35-45 minutes at 350 degrees.
Let cool 2-3 minutes and serve
enjoy :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Annual health exams

A part of a healthy lifestyle is making sure to schedule an annual health exam with your family doctor. It is also just as important to also see your dentist for dental cleanings twice a year as well. Try to schedule your annual health exam on a date you can remember every year. Like you favorite holiday or your birth date.
Keep a journal. Try to make a minimum of weekly entries if you can't commit to daily. Before your medical exams review your history of notes. Be prepared and asked questions and voice any concerns.
Do some of your own research on your search engines (like google or bing). There are websites out there to answer questions until you can get to your family doctor. You may want to try websites like or or search one of your preference.You know your body best. Help your doctor understand you better.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What's Self provings mean?

When natural medicines were first being written about and studied many of these pioneers did studies on themselves and journal ed the information. Since 2005 I have been conducting these self studies on myself and my willing family members.
I can say this for sure as I have seen it through my eyes. The months I choose to eat all healthy (local, natural, organic) I am well and full of energy. When I choose to eat fast food and dine out more often at restaurants such at Chili's, Applebee's and pizza joints. I feel tired all the time, have more headaches, seem more irritable, have more problems sleeping at night, problems waking up in the mornings, more back aches and knee pains than when I choose to eat fresh food.
Local, natural and organic foods are real and not full of chemical additives and preservatives. Why do we need red #40 in anything? It's carcinogenic! Who cares what color it is, we just want to eat it.
Study yourself for 30 days. Write down everything you eat and drink and then write how you feel about an hour later, after eating it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Everyone needs more "ME TIME". Don't be afraid to find time in your busy life to really enjoy your life. If you don't take time for you to be you, how will you ever enjoy your very short time here on this earth!
Begin today, find at least 10 minutes to be ALONE doing whatever your heart desires. Meditate, a few yoga stretches, a walk or what ever comes to your mind.
Enjoy your time. It is important to take care of yourself, so you can be there when someone does need you.
Happy Day to all :)

Monday, January 11, 2010


STOP eating it, STOP feeding it to your children! Not even in moderation. Read the facts before you choose to eat something that you can not pick from a tree or plant. You can not dig it up or go fish for it. So WHY ingest it into your body?
IT IS PROCESSED! Since it's creation in the 1970's America has increased in obesity and diabetes even in children. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH ALL THAT YOU LOVE!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Make a difference

Make a difference today. Be the change you wish to see in the world - Gandhi

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Life is really simple, make choices YOU can live with. Don't make choices because of peer pressure or because your dad said so. If you want the freedom to be happy then make a choice that YOU can live with. Ultimately it is between you and whom ever your pray to and no one else. If your making a choice for your family, one that affects others. Then think of them in the process of making the choice you can live with for the rest of your life.
Think about who you are on a soul level, choose your standards and then speak your truth you can live with.
Seek your Bliss (joesph campbell)

Friday, January 8, 2010


Happiness is important in life. It is important to seek the things that bring us happiness in the healthiest of ways of course. Start today, make some time to seek a hobby, interest or go back to school to pursue a dream. What is it that you seek in your heart? In your soul?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Be your own chef

It's as simple as purchasing a cook book. My favorite "Better Homes New Cook Book" it offers much more than recipes. It walks you through things like slicing techniques, different types of rice and much more. You can also learn lots from the food network as well.
The more you learn around your kitchen the more control you have over your food source. Yes even I still enjoy an evening out to dinner just as much as I enjoy preparing a fresh and healthy family meal to relax and enjoy at home.
Google a recipe like a child hood favorite, recreate the recipe and use AGAVE NECTAR instead of Sugar or Corn Syrup. Organic heavy cream can thicken most any recipe and add to its flavor as well. Don't be afraid to experiment a time or two until perfecting for your own customized version of any recipe out there.
I have not found 1 recipe I can't convert over to health and great taste :)
Even when you do choose to dine out, choose healthier options like soup and salad bar, grilled or baked over fried.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

helpful websites to visit

Find the FACTS you need today

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How to find your food source?

It could have a different meaning to all. To me it is heating foods that are 100% local, natural and organic. No I don't always choose organic, sometimes I choose local and natural as well. However, you must be cautious with the word natural because our FDA has no standard for natural you must read the label ingredient and figure this one out for yourself. I choose a natural product when I can read the ingredient label and lets say I'm buying bread. If the ingredient has more than unbleached-unbrominated flour, sea salt, water, aluminum free baking powder, unbleached sugar then I refuse to support the company and will buy another brand choice that is all natural or local or organic.
Again I urge you to create your own standard and keep your food journal going and now add to it how you felt after you ate the food of your choice.
Best of luck to being healthy in 2010!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Be alarmed

I can not express enough how important it is that you begin to read and understand what you are eating and feeding to others (like your children). Many of these legal FDA approved additives and fillers have in fact been proven to cause cancer, aggression and many other serious side effects.
Begin by doing your own research. Simply start reading the ingredient labels on the "food" you bring into your home. Google all the words that you don't know what it is. Don't assume you know, if your unsure look it up anyway. You may only be saving a life.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


After reviewing my food journal, I confirmed I was eating salads, fish, vegetables and fruit. Many of them were fried (all kinds of oils)high in trans fats and saturated fats. I felt that at the time I was making the healthiest choices available to me. No one ever said to me that the foods I was purchasing and eating had dangerous fats, synthetic additives or ingredients. I assumed it was real food that I was eating. I assumed every food was 100% all natural. WHAT? The FDA has NO standard in our public food system for NATURAL? This is scary!
As I continued to research why and what were at the roots of my recent illness. Was it linked to my childhood sicknesses? I was hospitalized over 11 times from the age of 10 years old and now as a young adult I was back but this time it was worse than ever before. I had never almost died or had an out of body experience.
My research of real food vs. commercialized foods has been my passion every since.
Think about this, how does this make you feel?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Its time to pay attention

Today is a new day. A day to begin paying attention to what you are currently eating. Have you ever taken the time to create a food journel? A food journel is for your private use and can really put a good perspective on what and how much you are actually eating everyday. If you are serious about your overall health and wellbeing this is the place to start.
Its simlpe and be kept in a notebook or on a calendar or any item that you feel safe writing in.
What you want to write down (in colums) BREAKFAST/snack/LUNCH/snack/Dinner/snack.
List EVERYTHING you eat and drink. If it hits your mouth you log it. You should do this a minimum of 2 weeks or a full month is best. Once you have completed your journal there are many great free websites available to help you like and you can log your dailey meals and it will tell you the nutrition values you are getting and if it's to much or not enough by your body weight and amount of exercise.
You may shocked at your results. Maybe you thought you were eating healthy. Why not? I did!
Then I learned the truth. I plan to share with you what I have discoved. See you Monday.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Today is the day to begin your new year with health and nutrition in mind. Maybe this is already one of your resolutions. Maybe you want to loose weight or gain weight. NUTRITION and EXERCISE are the TOP PRIORITY.
My name is Beverly Hill-Tarlton and I almost died 12 years ago. Mother of 5 this was just not an option. I remeber my husband driving me to the emergeny room and after about 2 hours they sent us home. A few hours later as I am growing weaker I ask to return to the hospital and again we are sent home, even later that evening I was crying to my husband that I needed help. He drive me back to hospital only now I am to weak to walk so I crawl on my hands and knees into the waiting room while my husband is parking the car (again).
The medical team puts me into a wheelchair and I tell them I am not go back home if I have to stay in the waiting room that was my plan!
This time they admitted me into the hospital now that all my vitals were faint and in dangerous way. I remember one of the doctors telling me that they had no idea what could be wrong. I remember telling my husband "I dont think I will leave here alive". Later I would become incoherent. I remember feeling as if I was floating over myself pondering what would happen to my children my oldest 10 years old and my youngest just a few months old. I was praying hard to God (Great Spirit) to please have mercy on my soul and allow me to raise my children. At some point I can vaguely remember a docotor tapping the back of my hand and he said "hang in there, we found it".
Once fully recoverd after a week in the hospital I was sent home due to rare food-bourne illness that got into my bloodstream.
I began to ask questions how this could happen and I did not like any of the answers that were given. I began to research and study food related illnesses.
I now have over 10 years of research and returned to college to learn more about Nutrition.
I plan to spend the next 12 months sharing many of my life experiences in hopes to make the world a healthier place through education on our nations food system and what proper nutrition really means.