Saturday, January 2, 2010

Its time to pay attention

Today is a new day. A day to begin paying attention to what you are currently eating. Have you ever taken the time to create a food journel? A food journel is for your private use and can really put a good perspective on what and how much you are actually eating everyday. If you are serious about your overall health and wellbeing this is the place to start.
Its simlpe and be kept in a notebook or on a calendar or any item that you feel safe writing in.
What you want to write down (in colums) BREAKFAST/snack/LUNCH/snack/Dinner/snack.
List EVERYTHING you eat and drink. If it hits your mouth you log it. You should do this a minimum of 2 weeks or a full month is best. Once you have completed your journal there are many great free websites available to help you like and you can log your dailey meals and it will tell you the nutrition values you are getting and if it's to much or not enough by your body weight and amount of exercise.
You may shocked at your results. Maybe you thought you were eating healthy. Why not? I did!
Then I learned the truth. I plan to share with you what I have discoved. See you Monday.

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